“I discovered that it is not the practitioner’s technical skill which is most significant, rather it is their lived quality that is the key. And thus it is about the connection to the body, its innate wisdom and about assisting the body’s own amazing ability to heal itself. This empowers the client to resolve their issues and gently enhances the quality of their daily living. This is true healing.”
Working esoterically
Albert Einstein presented that ‘everything is energy’ and Serge Benhayon expanded on this: ‘and therefore, everything is because of energy’. It confirms that, underlying all illness and disease, is an ill energetic root cause. Resolving this ill energy initiates true healing.
The Esoteric or ‘innermost’ approach helps discard what does not belong to build the re-connection to our essence. The more deeply we re-connect, the more the body can activate its own healing power and resolve the root cause of any issue.
The Esoteric practitioner’s role is to assist the client to facilitate their own healing, supporting them to discard all that is not in harmony with their true nature. These healing modalities support us and our body to restore harmony physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically.
As harmony is restored, the desire to deepen naturally unfolds and enables us to make confirming lifestyle choices that validate our inner joy and vitality.
The Universal Medicine Therapies offer a true way to re-establish the innate health and vitality within us all by restoring harmony from the inside out.
Jonathan is trained in the Universal Medicine Therapies and is recognised by the Esoteric Practitioners Association (EPA) and practises according to the EPA Code of Ethics & Conduct.
Education and Training
Jonathan is insured for all modalities offered